
General information about the disease

What is psoriasis

Psoriasis (psoriasis) non-communicable disease manifesting as a chronic inflammatory skin flaking and skin rash. With the current era characterized by alternating remission (improvements) and periods of remission. The disease can develop at any age, but usually affects young people with psoriasis.

Density psoriasis can vary greatly in different stages. The disease can affect the skin on the entire body cover or cover small areas such as. Usually as the disease progresses, patients and we're celebrating, period of time in a regular acute) strike psoriasis cover a large area. Facilities for skin, nail psoriasis, in the form of a leak may be isolated.

Psoriasis – causes disease

The cause of psoriasis is unknown, but immunological reasons that may be a disease of the changes in the body (autoimmune aggression), neurological disorders, metabolic disorders. Contribute to, psoriasis, heredity, immune disease, stress.

Among the reasons given so far, and developmental factors such as, psoriasis features include the following:

  • Hereditary predisposition (genetic theory of the development of psoriasis). Psoriasis can affect a person's development of higher probability close relatives. Maybe some groups of genes are responsible for the implementation of psoriasis.
  • Mental tension (neurogenic theory development, psoriasis). Known that psoriasis can be triggered by the strong emotional turmoil. Of stress factors with the development of this serious disease. In people with psoriasis can cause stress, acute illness.
  • Hormonal disorders. Changes in behavior, endocrine glands trigger mechanism may be developing psoriasis.
  • Metabolism disorder (the theory of change development officers, psoriasis). Problems, metabolism and certain vitamins and minerals (particularly silicon), maybe contribute to the emergence psoriatic plaques plaques.
  • Parasites. Common parasite development theory, psoriasis, according to which some intestinal parasites that cause the disease. Numerous research shows that among people, their environment is very different patients with psoriasis parasitic infections. As is believed, scientists may play a role in the development of a specific disorder, roundworm, giardia, bull tsepen and others. Accepted toxic products like these parasites are strong allergens, causes, works imbalance the immune system.
  • Viral infections.

And at least the causes, development of psoriasis it's not the end of openness in the emergence of a mechanism known ever medicine pathology. Psoriasis scars occur on the basis of lies, corruption, the immune system. The aggressive behavior of immune cells, depending on the special skin cells and cause psoriatic plaques plaques.

Psoriasis – symptoms

The emergence of peeling psoriasis patches, plaques, in severe itching and red colors. Spots are arranged more often, the skin, scalp, elbows, joints, knees, skin folds in places. Over time, the surface scales can be easily removed, remain in their place, the more intense the scales in depth. The observed phenomenon of the so-called Karbala with the advancement of psoriasis: plaque psoriatic plaques view areas, scratches or skin injury.

Different kinds of psoriasis characteristic symptoms here:

  • Psoriasis plaques in the form of plots on a raised surface that looks like healthy skin red, inflamed, thickened, dry, heat leather for a touch of silver-white scales (psoriatic plaques). Prone areas such as leather are falling. Remains peeled red leather pockets are easily repaired, and bleeding. Plaques psoriatic plaques are usually between a merge and increasing the size of the forming plate ("paraffin Lake"). Flexing surfaces, in the expression of psoriasis peeling. In this case, the resulting red spots in the skin folds (groin, external genitals, inner thighs, curves, belly, axillary).
  • Guttate psoriasis characterized by a lot of dry, small red or purple lesions, elevated tear-like shape on the surface of the skin or represents. Large areas of the skin, the effects of these items. Guttate psoriasis usually develops after a previous streptococcal infections (eg. angina, or angina).
  • Pustular psoriasis looks like raised skin filled with transparent bubbles on a surface unmodified content. Pustules, surrounded by Red, edematous skin, exfoliate with an easy. Psoriasis is characterized by nail discoloration, nail, nail bed, and the emergence of spots, stains, transverse lines on nails, thickening, and the skin around the nail bed, and thickening of the package quotation, full age quotes.
  • Psoriatic arthritis inflammatory joint and connective tissue that accompany the processes. Psoriatic arthritis of the small joints of the distal phalanx of the most common finger hits, hand, foot, why psoriatic dactylitis. Eritrodermia is manifested by flaking and inflammation common with psoriatic, skin the surface of the large body of detachment, edema, pain, skin, intense itching of the skin.

Other psoriasis symptoms include:

  • the bleeding area on the skin;
  • view erosions and nail dimples;
  • severe itching;
  • joint pain and possible swelling.
Plaques psoriatic plaques are the most common places to occur

Classification psoriasis

Distinguish the following types of psoriasis:

  • rude (or) ordinary psoriasis;
  • exudative psoriasis;
  • psoriasis arthropathie;
  • psoriatic erythroderma;
  • psoriasis palms and soles of the feet;
  • pustular psoriasis.

Psoriasis is a three-phase flows:

  • Psoriasis the progressive scene. This is the first stage, are characterized by the exacerbation of the disease where the amount of fresh rose rash.
  • The scene hard psoriasis. The current official Safety that characterize this period of the disease. What causes psoriasis the rash and other symptoms more, nothing less.
  • The psoriasis clears up the scene. This last stage of the disease, the rash is missing.

Depending psoriasis is a prevalence of the pathological process:

  • a limited strike small body areas;
  • common – strike of major body regions;
  • generalized anxiety – strike almost all body.

Depending on the season, the disease will worsen if the causes of psoriasis:

  • winter psoriasis usually during the cold season;
  • summer – during the summer psoriasis occurs;
  • indefinite periods of time, related to acute psoriasis any season of the year.

Psoriasis diagnosis

Dermatologist diagnose illness, according to a typical clinic. Further skin biopsy used for diagnosis.

The action is sick

You can take a sun bath for 15 minutes every day. Avoid drinking alcohol, avoid stress if possible, to keep track of your weight, to live a healthy life, right skin care.

Psoriasis treatment

Psoriasis treatment

For the treatment of psoriasis, used in plasticizers, drugs horny layer protecting local medications (ointments, lotions, creams) with the contents of glucocorticoid (hydrocortisone, prednisolone, dexamethasone) drugs with the contents of pyrithione zinc, ointment content analogues, vitamin D3, tar, naphthalene, hydroxyacetone. In severe forms, psoriasis, inefficiency, dental treatment of the lesion by more than 20% of the skin surface containing the systemic drug therapy determination of cytotoxic agents (methotrexate), synthetic retinoids (retinol acetate and retinol palmitate, tretinoin), steroids, vitamins (aevitum and others).

A special role-the withdrawal of the amount required in the treatment of psoriasis, some biological active substances, among them should be considered:

  • Silicon. In recent years, doctors they talk a lot about the role of silicon in the development of psoriasis. Which is one of the components for the treatment of psoriasis medication and vitamin-mineral complex containing silicone. On the one hand, silicon improves the condition of the skin, and another with a terrible sorbent sees self-antigens that play a role in the development of psoriasis.
  • Vitamin D is known as psoriasis is necessary for a successful struggle important minerals, calcium. However, normal absorption of calcium vitamin D vitamin D is necessary after the transfer phase may contain active psoriasis best medicine with inpatient.
  • Fish oil and omega-3 fatty acids. Psoriasis the inflammatory process is required to eliminate the intake of polyunsaturated Omega-3 fatty acids that fish contain large amounts of oil.
  • Lecithin. This article psoriasis dying epithelial cells are necessary for a speedy recovery. Lecithin allowing the inflammatory process to deal with drugs more quickly and back the integrity of the skin.

Non-drug treatment system has been implemented: 320-400 nm wavelength ultraviolet light with photosensitizers in the Fund on the adoption of radiation (PUVA therapy). Also cryotherapy is the use of plasmapheresis.

The patient to follow a Special diet. Psoriasis diet must be balanced. Ill should be deleted diet, refined foods, spicy dishes and desserts. Watch it carefully to avoid health and every cold: cold can trigger the development of immunity to the disease because of any breach.


Possible complications arthritis, depression, low self-esteem.

Psoriasis prevention

Psoriasis prevention

It is not possible to prevent disease, but psoriasis symptoms and weaken some methods to reduce the number of acute. Over drying the skin to be protected, to try to avoid prolonged sun exposure, do not allow injury to skin. In stressful situations should be avoided, infection, drugs, raised symptoms of psoriasis (eg, β-blockers, lithium), quit smoking, limit alcohol consumption. And remember that psoriasis treatment is entrusted to professionals. Psoriasis treatment at home, and any sort of self-treatment does not apply to this disease.